
營業時間為(線上客服回覆時間亦同) Operating hours: (Online customer service hours)

二到四 12:00-21:00 (最後收客20:00, 新客最後收客19:30)

週五 11:30-20:30 (最後收客19:30,新客最後收客19:00)

Tue to Thr.: 12:00-21:00 (Last appointment for new patients: 19:30;  Last appointment for returning patients: 20:00)

Fri: 11:30-20:30 (Last appointment for new patients: 19:00;  Last appointment for returning patients: 19:30)

六 10:30-19:30 (最後收客18:30, 新客最後收客18:00)

Sat: 10:30-19:30 (Last appointment for new patients: 18:00;  Last appointment for returning patients: 18:30)

日一休診。 Closed on Sun and Mon.


本所療程/美療非自助式,為全套服務,術前洗卸清潔以及術後修復都由資深美容師/護理師為您服務。本所不收小費。 Services provided in this clinic are full serve. Senior beauticians and nurses will do cleansing and professional care for you before and after treatment. No tipping.

療程時間預估:(新客需再多15-20分鐘諮詢時間) Estimated Total Time spent: (It takes additional 15-20min for new patients for consultation)

雷射除毛 Laser Hair removal : 0.5hr -1 hr (大部位1.5hr)

藍雷射控油治痘Capri blue laser: 30min-1hr

點滴(美白/保肝排毒/抗老/消脂) IV therapy: 40min-1hr

新一代海菲秀水飛梭 HydraFacial Syndeo:  1hr-1.5hr

皮秒雷射 PicoLaser : 1hr- 1.5hr
中胚層治療(酒糟/肝斑/膚質改善/敏感肌/痘痘肌) Mesotherapy(Rosacea/Melasma/acne): 1hr-1.5hr
水光療程: 1hr-1.5hr

肉毒 Botox Injection:30min -1 hr

微整形 Micro cosmetic Surgery:1hr-1.5hr 視需求而定

電波/音波/埋線 HIFU face lifting/RF face lifting/Thread lifting:1.5hr-2hr 視需求而定

Miradry腋下止汗除狐臭 : 1hr-2hr

美療 Facial SPA: 30min-90min 視療程而定

本院屬於預約優先制。為避免現場久候,請於營業時間用LINE或是電話預約醫師門診時間。 Please make an appointment by LINE or phone call during operating hours before you come. You might wait for a long time if you come directly.

電話(Phone): 02-2926-5554

或請加入診所LINE(Please add our official LINE account):


臉書, IG或是其他管道會比較慢回覆,建議打電話和加LINE預約會比較快。 Messages will be replied slowly in FB and Ig messengers, please add our LINE or make a phone call.

線上客服僅有基本諮詢以及預約服務,無法取代醫師看診。 (日一休診無線上客服 No online customer service on Sun and Mon) Online customer service can only do basic consultation and help you make an appointment, but cannot replace doctor’s inspection.

本所收費皆符合新北市美容醫學自費項目收費標準表以及新北市西醫醫療機構收費標準表。 The price of all aesthetic services in this clinic is regulated by the New Taipei City Government.

本所為自費醫美診所(醫學美容項目健保不給付)。 Aesthetic services are not covered by National Health Insurance.

本所醫美療程皆遵循國際治療指引。 All aesthetic services in this clinic follow international treatment guidelines.

如有重要會議或是行程(如拍婚紗,參加婚禮,結婚等等),建議提前1個月施作療程,達到最好的效果。 If you have special or important events(like atteding a wedding, wedding photography, getting married), we suggest you to receive treatment at least 1 month in advance to get the best result.


If you need to cancel your appointment, please call us or LINE us in advance. If you have missed appointments for more than 3 times, we will temporarily suspend your right to make an appointment online or through phone calls. Thus you need to come to our clinic to make an appointment.

美容醫學門診表Aesthetic Medicine OPD Schedule
(週日固定休診 No clinic on Sun)








翁子騰醫師 (10/12休診)
  • 手機可以橫著看,或往右滑。
  • 10/10(四)正常營業
  • 10/12(六)~10/14(一) 國慶連假休診
  • 2025.01.01(三)休診
  • 本院未實施指定醫師制度,本表僅供參考。 若醫師臨時因故未能到診者,診間將視情況安排其他醫師代理,特此聲明並請見諒。